Saturday, December 31, 2011


2011 was a rollercoaster for us, to say the very least. At the lowest point, I lost my job. At the highest, we welcomed our precious son Connor. And many other peaks and valleys surrounding those events. In spite of the curveballs we have been thrown, we made it through stronger than ever. Our biggest goal for 2012 is to be prepared. We will focus on our savings to ensure that we have a strong buffer, just in case we are ever put in a rough patch again. We will focus on debt (or rather, eliminating it) so that our expenses are minimal. I'm going to spend the year shopping clearance sales at various points to get Jordan's next clothing size(s) so that we're not hit with that cost all at once. Thankfully, my boys are not too rough on their clothes yet, so they can all be passed down to the younger 2, and still be in good enough shape to pass on to someone else.

Before the year is done, we will have made a final decision on baby #4. If we're going to do it, we don't want a huge gap, so we would start trying before 2012 is over. If we decide we are done, we'll take permanent action for that.

The events of the next several months will dictate a lot of our future. If Jeremy is able to get his packet submitted to the Intelligence Officer program, then we will know in March if the Navy is in our immediate future. If not, we will start looking at our alternatives so we can hit the ground running when he graduates in May.

I am looking into all options of going back to work, which is difficult with 3 small children. Hoping to find something that will work with our schedules and hopefully be in a field that I find stimulating. My dream job is to be a bank teller...which I know isn't a particularly high paying job, but I know I would love it.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Trying to find my groove

It has been a full 4 months since we moved to my mom's, and to say I've been in a funk would be a gross understatement. I just couldn't seem to find my stride with cleaning and taking care of 3 kids. I cooked nightly as a way to earn my keep, but spent most of my time on the computer and/or watching TV while keeping half an eye on my kids in the next room. When Jordan started school, things did improve. I had a few hours 2 days a week to get stuff done. Logan is easily entertained by Blues Clues, so I was able to accomplish some stuff at home. Or I could go to the store, which is FAR easier with only 2 kids. Adding in that 3rd body, who argues over everything and fights with his younger brother, creates chaos.

Then a couple weeks ago I started my new "chore chart". My tasks are broken down into only a couple things each day throughout the week. Then the big tasks are split up into a couple items per week and done once a month. So far so good! Our rooms and bathroom have stayed very clean and I feel better just by being productive. And this system allows for a missed day...whether for laziness or absence...because it's easy to play catch up when you only have to add an extra 1 or 2 things. Hopefully I can stay on track, and transfer this system to our own home someday soon.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Learning self control

or rather, learning that I have none! I finished the last of my Christmas shopping today and wow. Let's just say that excessive is an understatement. Yes, I am thrilled that we are financially able to give our children and loved ones generous gifts, but I still need to learn to draw the line. Maybe next year? lol

I was good and bought useful items and things they need rather than just toys. They are each getting 2 toys from Santa. The rest is clothing/books/bath stuff/etc. Now I just have to wrap it all...oh joy! That's a project for next week. haha

My goal for tonight is to finish my Christmas cards...already in the Ts, so that should be doable. Tomorrow lots of laundry and cleaning.